A funny adaptation of Intergalactic Wizard Force! 

We localized the game considering a Latin American audience and our guiding principle was to keep it gender neutral.

Meet  our cast!

  • A Chilean guy that was smashed by a door. 
  • Pica Porte, a door lover with a cousin named "Marco". 
  • Mari la Bocona, a "porteña" with a huge mouth.
  • Queen Marixa! What is she into?

And of course, Félix and Mirko, our Intergalactic heroes!

Localized by Azul Bassi, Mariela Lincoman and Analía Ponce. Enjoy!

Azul Bassi is finishing her Translation studies. She has recently translated the videogame “Solaroids”. She is also a League of Legends streamer and cat lover! You can find her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/azul-bassi-597666194/ and visit her Twitch channel: twitch.tv/Bloomie1

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The LanaPixel font (c) 2020, eishiya (https://mastodon.art/@eishiya) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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yaaaay! congrats wigardians!